Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dinner and the Fountain

Last night we ended up at a local restaurant right in the center of downtown. Because the weather had cooled, we decided to sit outside on the patio for dinner. We watched as a wedding party stood in front of a large fountain (or park as the signs indicated) taking pictures. Each person was beautifully dressed but the smiles seemed to be strained. Before too long a stretch limo came and carried them away.

Within minutes another party showed up to play and take pictures. We watched as a father and son played in what apeared to be refreshingly cool water. Before too long my children were begging to go across and dip their feet in. After much begging we decided that would be ok. Seconds later my children were across the street wading in the water.

My youngest decided that a swim would be oh-so fantastic and while fully dressed, took a dip. "Oops," she yells to me. "I got wet." We just waved at them and remined each other that they wouldn't be getting in the car dripping as they were. After a while we told them to come back. Of course they were totally bummed. But they would have to do some dripping.

The longer we sat at the table the more obvious it became that my daughter's pants would not be drying anytime soon. The next thing we know, my husband has his pocket knife out cutting the legs and turning her soaked pants into shorts. Our neighboring diners watched in shock and giggled.

Naturally, they don't have children yet. If fact, I can say with certainty that they probably weren't even married or at the very least - newlywed, because they were taking loads of pictures of themselves. I wanted to tell them not to worry, that they'd have children soon enough and have to resort to doing silly things too.

The final topping - once the dripping stopped we all went over to the fountain and got wet. But it did feel good.